Hamstring Strengthening Exercises

The hamstrings are the muscles of the back of the thigh that help to bend the knee.
Buttock Kicks
Purpose: Strengthen hamstrings, increase knee mobility (flexion).

Starting position: Lie on your abdomen (on the floor or bed) with your legs straight.

Action: Bend your right knee to bring the foot towards your buttocks as far as you can. Slowly, return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg.

Repetition: Repeat it 10 – 15 times for each leg, 2 times daily.

Progression: Add a weight (E.g., a shoe or ankle weight, to be added under the guidance of a therapist).
Kick Backs
Purpose: Improve the strength of hamstrings and mobility of the knee.

Starting Position: Stand up straight holding on to something stable e.g., chair or table.

Action: Lift your right foot up as far as you can towards your hips, bending the knee. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Slowly, lower to starting position. Repeat with the left leg.

Repetition: Do 5-25 times, 2 times daily

Progression: Add a weight e.g., shoe or ankle weight under the guidance of a therapist.

  • Don’t bend forwards - keep your body upright.
  • Keep your knees in line with each other- don’t let your thigh come forwards.
The Bridge
Purpose: Excellent knee strengthening exercise for the hamstrings, quads and buttock muscles.

Starting Position: Lie on your back with both knees bent about 90° and your feet on the floor/bed.

Action: Clench your buttocks and lift your bottom off the bed as high as you can without arching your back. The back appears like a bridge between your upper and lower body. Hold for 3-5 seconds and slowly lower to starting position.

Repetitions: Repeat 10-15 times, 1-2 times daily.

  • Keep your back straight – don’t let it arch as you lift up, your buttock muscles should be doing the work
  • Don’t hold your breath – keep breathing normally.